SEEDS Conference 2020 Speaker & Performer のご紹介

SEEDS Conference 2020 、今年も素晴らしいご登壇者の皆様をお招きいたします。





開催日:2020年10月11日(日) 開催場所:銕仙会 能楽研修所

We are inviting amazing speakers and performers this year as well.

We are very happy to announce speakers and performers for 2020 SEEDS day.

This year, we will make 12th event and we are improving year by year and we want to take the moment to appreciate all of you for the supports and love to SEEDS.

Event date: October 11th, 2020

Place: Tessen-kai, Nohgaku Kenkyujyo

SEEDS Conference 2020 Speaker & Performer のご紹介

Speakers for 2020
ー 50音順 -


東京大学先端科学技術研究センター グローバルセキュリティ・宗教分野 教授 Professor, Religion and Global Security, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo


Born in 1973 in Tokyo. Mr. Ikeuchi graduated from Tokyo University with Literature major Islam culture concentration in 1996. In the same year, he continued his education to Graduate school of Arts and Science, Collage of Arts and Science in the same University. He moved to Cairo, Egypt and researched about the Ideology of Islam and Middle East. In 2001, he joined Institute of Developing Economies of Asia and took the associate professor role there. From October 2008, he was associate professor at Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (concentration on Islamic politic and ideology), and promoted to professor in October 2018 in concentration of Global security and Religion). After, he brushed up his research as Visiting Researcher at Cambridge University (2010), Visiting Researcher at Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (2009), Visiting Researcher at Alexandria University in Egypt (2008) to name a few. His major was Politics Ideology in Islam and Middle East. He received multiple awards such as Second Osanagijiro Roudansyou award in 2002, Mainichi Syuppan Cultural / Special Award in 2015, Santory Literature Ideology / history award in 2009 and NakasoneYasuhiro Award of excellence in 2016. 


知能ロボット学者 Intelligent Robot Researcher and scholar


Mr. Hiroshi Ishiguro (M’) received a Ph. D. in systems engineering from the Osaka University, Japan in 1991. He is currently Professor of Department of Systems Innovation in the Graduate School of Engineering Science at Osaka University (2009-) and Director (2011-) of Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratories at the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute (ATR). He is also Distinguished Professor of Osaka University and an ATR fellow (one of six fellows). His research interests are interactive robotics and android science. He has published more than 300 papers in major journals and conferences. On the other hand, he has developed many interactive humanoids and androids, called Robovie, Repliee, Geminoid, Telenoid, and Elfoid. These robots have been reported by media such as Discovery Channel, NHK, and BBC more than500 times. Especially, the YouTube Videos of the androids have been downloaded 10M times. In 2009, he and his android, Geminoid, have been invited to ARS Electronica Festival as the featured artist. In 2011, he won the Osaka Cultural Award presented by the Osaka Prefectural Government and the Osaka City Government for his great contribution to the advancement of culture in Osaka. In 2015, he received the Prize for Science and Technology (Research Category) by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). He was also awarded the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Award in Dubai in 2015 and Tateisi Award in 2020.


東京大学先端科学技術研究センター ニュートリオミクス・腫瘍学分野 特任准教授 Project Associate Professor, Integrative Nutriomics and Oncology, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo


Born in Hokkaido in 1977. After graduating from high school in Hokkaido, Mr. Osawa went to study in the UK. Initially, he wanted to become a taxi driver in London, which needs British national qualification (known as one of the most difficult qualifications) fortunately, he entered King's College London, University of London, and completed a doctoral degree at UCL, University of London. He became a researcher at the Institute of Medical Science, the University of Tokyo in 2006, and then an assistant professor at Tokyo Medical and Dental University in 2007, then became an assistant professor at Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), in the University of Tokyo from 2011. Since 2018 he started his own laboratory as an associate professor at the RCAST, the University of Tokyo. His research focuses on elucidating the mechanism of cancer metabolism in the field of new research area "neutriomics", and challenges the development of novel anti-cancer treatments.


理化学研究所 計算科学研究センター 運用技術部門 チューニング技術チーム 開発研究員RIKEN Center for Computational Science, Operations and Computer Technologies Division, Application Tuning Development Unit, Research & Development Scientist


Born in Tokyo in 1969. Mr. Kuroda has been interested in Chemistry such as change of color since elementary school. With this passion, he entered the Faculty of Science of Kyoto University in 1989 and decided to continue further research on his interests. His interest in chemistry spread to origins and principles of Chemistry and he entered the laboratory of statistical physics of the graduate school of human environmental studies in 1993. After working at Nagoya University in faculty of engineering, Yamagata University, and the institute for solid state physics of the university of Tokyo, he joined RIKEN in 2006 as a development researcher of the Next-Generation Supercomputer R&D center. His interest was expanded from magnetization of the kagome lattice to polymer physics by making full use of statistical physics, and aiming for cooperation with simulation technology that is essential for elucidation of these problems. At RIKEN, he was involved in the development of the K computer, the Fugaku supercomputer and the operation of the K computer. He is involved designing and operating a computer from the standpoint of a person who performs calculations, as well as supporting calculating various phenomena in high performance.


東京大学大学院理学系研究科 地球惑星科学専攻 教授 Professor, Department of Earth and Planetary Science, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo


Born in Long Island, NY, USA in 1968 when Mr. Takahashi’s father was working at Brookhaven National Laboratory to study elementary particle physics using accelerator. His family moved to Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan in 1971. He graduated Tsuchiura Dai-ichi high school, and at that time depletion of ozone layer had become clear, which made him think of becoming a researcher in the field of environmental sciences in the future. This is the reason why he entered the University of Tokyo (UT) and proceeded to Department of Chemistry in Faculty of Science in UT. During graduate school period, he has studied analysis of chloroflurocarbons (CFCs) and migration of radionuclides in geosphere related to radioactive waste disposal management. After getting PhD and spending 1 year as a postdoc in UT, He got a research associate position in Department of Earth and Planetary Systems Science in Hiroshima University, and promoted there to Associate Professor and Full Professor. This move was a big challenge for him, since he knew nothing about basalt and mantle convection, but now he thinks that it was really a good experience for him to broaden his perspective. After the move, he started to conduct application of X-ray spectroscopy using synchrotron accelerator to obtain atomic/molecular-scale information from various natural and environmental samples such as meteorite, rocks and minerals, aerosols, biological samples, and environmental materials, where he found there is very close relationship between atomic/molecular-scale information and macro-scale phenomena. Now, he calls this field as molecular geochemistry, which is one of advanced topics in earth and planetary sciences. He moved to Department of Earth and Planetary Science, UT as Professor, and he is trying to develop molecular geochemistry with collaborations with many researchers in various fields, which he found it very exciting. He played soft tennis during high school years (ranking No. 2 in Ibaraki Prefecture at that time), and he is now the manager of soft tennis team in UT. He likes singing and listening to music of Beethoven, the Beatles, and Spitz. He also likes traveling in the world of Wikipedia.


フェアリーデバイセズ株式会社 代表取締役 Fairy Devices Inc. CEO


Performers for 2020
ー 50音順 -


活弁士 Katsubenshi

1985年生まれ。幼少期より父・麻生八咫の活弁の舞台を見て育つ。10歳の時に浅草木馬亭にて活弁士としてプロデビュー。2003年には第48回文部科学大臣杯全国青年弁論大会にて最優秀賞である文部科学大臣杯を受賞。2005年から現在に至るまで、浅草・上野で活弁教室を開き、後進の指導にも力を入れている。2008年、高校の英語の教科書『All aboard Ⅱ』(東京書籍)にて「A Young Katsubenshi」として紹介される。2015年、日本弁論連盟理事に就任。2016年、麻生八咫・子八咫の記念切手発売。2020年3月、東京大学大学院総合文化研究科博士過程を満期退学。著作には、『映画ライブそれが人生』(高木書房、2009)麻生八咫・子八咫共著がある。英語公演にも力を入れており、アメリカではシアトル、オハイオ州とミシガン州の10箇所、カナダ・バンクーバー、韓国・ソウルなどで開催。その他、劇中活弁、方言活弁、舞台の演出・脚本、司会等、さまざまな舞台活動を行っている。

Born in 1985. Ms. Aso had inspiration from his father, Yata Aso who was also a Katsubenshi. Katsubenshi is known as sort of a commentator of silent movie. When she was 10 years old, she debuted as professional Katsubenshi at Asakusa. In 2003, she continued her work and received first prize in incredibly big Speech contest for youngsters called Monbu Kagaku Daijinhai Zenkoku Seinen Benron Kai. She started to show her great talent and from 2005 to now, she is hosting many of classes for Katsuben in order to contribute to the future. In 2008, she was introduced in English text book used in Japanese schools as "a young katsubenshi". In 2015, she was inaugurated as Director in Nihon Benron Renmei. And the next year, anniversary stamps for her father and her was sold. In March, 2020, she completed course works without degree at Tokyo University. She also wrote a book "Eiga Live Sorega Jinsei" in 2009 featured by her father. She also is now focusing on performing in English and her performances were hosted in 10 areas in US including Seattle, Ohio and Michigan, Canada and Korea. Her activities are basically Katsubenshi but she also does directions, screenwriters for plays as well as moderators.


尺八奏者 Shakuhachi player

愛知県西尾市吉良町出身。桐朋学園芸術短期大学日本音楽専修尺八専攻卒業。NHK邦楽技能者育成会55期卒業。自作曲を中心に演奏活動を行うほか、和楽器の枠を越え、オーケストラ、演劇、ダンス、書道、水墨画、語りなど、ジャンルを越えたアーティストとの共演も積極的に行う。海外公演を多数成功させ、2012年に外務省在外公館長表彰を授与される。国内にて開催された国際音楽祭にも多数出演。イベントや楽曲プロデュースも手がける。テレビ番組、CMや舞台音楽、アーティストのレコーディング等にも参加。TBSテレビ「第60回 輝く!日本レコード大賞」、BS朝日「日本の名曲 人生、歌がある」、NHK WORLD「Blends」などに出演。オリジナルCD『Nostalgia』『心からありがとう』『八∞縁』をリリース。東京を拠点に活動し、2017年より尺八とフルートを融合した楽器“オークラウロ”の奏者としても大倉文化財団と契約を結び活動している。

Born in Aichi, Nishio city and graduated from Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music majored in Shakuhachi. Mr. Okochi also graduated from NHK Hougaku Ginou Ikuseikai. He mainly plays his own music that he composed. Not only he is good at Shakuhachi but he also goes out of the box and he is proactively co-starring with artists from different genres like Orchestra, plays, dancing, calligraphy and so on. He also successfully did performances overseas and he received award from Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Besides those wards, he was featured on TV and took part in many of international music festivals. He enjoys events and producing music and he has been recognized on those. To name a few TV programs that he was on, Japan Record Award, Nihon no Meikyoku - Jinsei Uta ga aru, Blends etc. He released original CDs "Nostalgia", "kokoro kara arigatou (thank you from the bottom of my heart" and "Yaen Infinity". Currently, he is based in Tokyo and have a contract with Okura Cultural fundation (Okura Bunka Zaidan). From 2017, he plays an instruments called Okuraulo that is a mix of Syakuhachi and Flute.


琵琶奏者 Biwa player

桐朋学園大学短期大学部芸術学科卒業。役者として数多くの舞台に出演し、CM等でも活躍。その後、薩摩琵琶を鶴田流・岩佐鶴丈に師事。イベント出演のほか、寺院・美術館・公共施設等、様々な場で琵琶の魅力を発信し、平家ゆかりの地でも毎年演奏している。他にも無声映画に楽師としての参加や、琵琶2人のユニット「谷中琵琶Style」や琵琶と講談の会「bi-dan」を自ら企画。また、寺山修司生誕80年記念公演/演劇実験室・万有引力「身毒丸」への出演(音楽家)を機に、創作語りライブを開始。寺山修司やシェイクスピアなどを題材に新作を発表し、“語りもの”としての琵琶の在り方を探求している。その取り組みは明治大学図書館ギャラリーでの「琵琶と文学~琵琶奏者・川嶋信子の世界~」展で紹介された。また近年では「平家物語」を題材に日本の音楽や古典という観点で、小学校や大学などで講師を務めている。一日体験教室「まなびわ」を毎月開講中。日本琵琶楽コンクール第2位入賞。NHK邦楽オーディション合格。NHK FM「邦楽のひととき」出演。

Graduated from Toho Gakuen College of Drama and Music. Ms. Kawashima was appeared on many TV programs and Commercials. After a while, she started to learn Satsuma Biwa from the Biwa teacher, Mr. Tsurutake Uwasa. She spreads the fascination of Biwa by taking part in events and playing in the public. She also was on silent movies. She is active as a unit group Yanaka Biwa Style and hosted Biwa related talk event called "Bi-dan". She had an opportunity to take part in Terayama Syuji 80th Birthday Anniversary Performance and she started to narrative performance. She continuously released many creations related to Shuji Terayama and Shakespeare. Her works and activities were introduced in the "Biwa and literature" the world of Nobuko Kawashima, Biwa Player exhibits. These days, her concentration is moved to the historical side of Biwa and is teaching at schools. She is holding Biwa class called Manabiwa every month. Nonetherless to say, she received multiple awards like 2nd award in Japan Biwa competition to name a few. She has been inspiring the world of Biwa.


日本舞踊家 花柳流師範

Classical Japanese dancer, the grand master of Hanayagi-ryu

神奈川県出身。人間国宝である花柳寿南海に師事。日本大学芸術学部卒業。豊かな表現力と繊細なテクニックを兼ね備え、女性らしいしなやかな身体表現に定評がある。2014年、文化庁主催「各流派合同新春舞踊大会」にて最優秀賞受賞。NHK(Eテレ)「にっぽんの芸能“今輝く若手たち”」にて注目の日本舞踊家として特集放送された。2015年、国立劇場主催公演「明日をになう新進の舞踊・邦楽鑑賞会」出演。明治神宮春の大祭にて奉納舞踊「長唄 藤娘」を行う。2016年、第47回舞踊批評家協会賞新人賞受賞。2019年、東京新聞第2回日本舞踊新鋭賞受賞。古典の技術を堅実に継承しつつ新作にも意欲的に取り組む姿勢が高く評価された。その他、日本芸能実演家団体協議会奨励賞など多数受賞。国立劇場、歌舞伎座をはじめ様々な舞台公演に多数出演のほか、ドイツや韓国での招聘パフォーマンス、舞踊公演など海外でも活動の場を広げている。また、近年では映画やテレビ番組等での舞踊指導・出演、イベントでの振付・出演など活躍の場は多岐に渡る。

Born in Kanagawa prefecture, professional dancer of classic Japanese dance, Nihon buyo. Ms. Hanayagi is a disciple of living national treasure Hanayagi Toshinami. She graduated from College of Art, Nihon University, Tokyo. Studying Nihon buyo under a Living Human Treasure, Hanayagi Toshinami, Sachimaine has been expanding her physical expression and expressiveness. She is an experienced dancer on both stages and TVs and also choreographs for various events, which are more modern. She was featured in multiple TV programs as well as writings. She won the 47th Best Young Dancer Award of Dance Critic Society of Japan, the first prize of Kaku-ryuha Shin-shun Buyo Taikai organized by Cultural Affairs, the Encouragement Prize of Geidankyo to name a few. She performed in Meiji Jinguu at one of the biggest festivals. She was exposed to outside of Japan and danced in Germany and Korea. Today, she is giving guidance and choreographs to dancers who performs on TVs and movies. 


音楽家 Musician

1985年長野県生まれ。ギタリスト、マルチプレイヤー、作曲家として活動する傍ら、編曲家として「STUDIO-KOHKI」、音楽プロデューサーとして「Yassassin Label」を主宰。幼少期から音楽制作を始め作曲・演奏・録音を一人でこなすワンマン・ユニットとして2000年、15歳でデビュー。以降Sony Musicよりリリースを重ね、資生堂、キヤノン、EDWIN、TOYOTAなどのCM音楽制作も手掛ける。フリーランスとなった2004年、故郷長野の土蔵を改築した「STUDIO-KOHKI」に拠点を移す。2011年にはドイツ・ベルリンへ渡り作曲活動に没頭、精力的なライヴ活動を行う。帰国後は自身のユニット「バロッQぱんくす」の活動の他、NHK連続テレビ小説『ごちそうさん』主題歌「雨のち晴レルヤ」の共作者としても知られる佐藤和哉(篠笛)をはじめ、数多くのアーティストをプロデュース。2016年、「SEEDS Conference」のコンセプトを音で表現した公式CD作品「SEEDS CONFERENCE in MUSIC」を手掛ける。また近年、スタジオに併設の古民家をイベントスペース「Lute HOUSE1929」としてリノベーションし、宮内庁楽師・山田文彦氏率いる雅楽グループ「日本伝統舞台芸術」らを招いた文化活動にも力を入れている。

Born in 1985. Kohki is known as a guitar and multiple instrumental player and composer. Besides being a player, he also owns Studio-Kohki as Orchestrator and Yassassin Label as producer. He has been learning and producing music since he was a child. He composed, play and record by himself and his debut was when he as 15 years old. His works are highly evaluated, and he worked on some commercial music for Shiseido, Canon, Edwin, Toyota etc… He became freelance in 2004 and moved his base to his home town, Nagano. In 2011, he went to Germany, Berlin to learn music even more and proactively held lives and concerts. After he came home to Japan, he produces his own unit BaroQPunks, and besides that, he produces Shinobue (Japanese transverse bamboo flute) player Kazuya Sato and other famous artists. In 2016, we gladly announce his creation of concept music for SEEDS Conference. His passion for the music continues.

SEEDS Artist for 2020
ー 50音順 -



1989年 兵庫県神戸市にて生まれる




2020年 “After million years ” TRiCERA Museum (東京)

2019年  “FAITH” elephantSTUDIO (東京)

2018年 “Here I am” 画廊宮坂 (東京)


2020年 “桜花の会”京王プラザホテル (東京)

2019年 “鶏鳴の会 新鋭選抜展” ホテル椿山荘東京 (東京)

2018年 ”Artists from Japan Ⅴ” Ashok Jain Gallery (NYC )


2019年 “Art on Paper 2019” Pier36 (NYC )

2018年 "SICF2018” SPIRAL (東京)


2019年  Seasonal Collaboration |81 (東京)


2019年 ブレイク前夜~次世代の芸術家たち~ #185 本橋孝祐 Kosuke Motohashi

2019年 AIre VOICE 「ブロックチェーンは、アートの歴史や物語を保証する血統書になりうる」

2018年 Art Hub TV【MEISTERS #1】真実を刻み続ける現代アーティスト「Kosuke Motohashi」

2018年、Ashok Jain Gallery(NYC)にて、“Contest in New York” 特別展示賞受賞

山辺真幸 YAMABE Masaki 


Graphic Designer, Software Engineer, Professor

デザインとプログラミング株式会社 代表取締役


SEEDS Conference シーズカンファレンス

SEEDS Conferenceは、"Rhapsody in Innovation" というコンセプトの下、新しい世界を創り出す革新的なアイデアや活動を、世界中に広めることを目指し、2013年4月に発足した団体です。 TEDxSeeds時代より、さらに自由に、そして伸びやかに、無数のコミュニケーションから新たな世界を描きだせるような、創造的な場をつくりたいと考えています。


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