SEEDS Conference 2021 Speaker & Performer のご紹介

SEEDS Conference 2021 Speaker & Performer のご紹介

Speakers for 2021

ー 50音順 -

石黒 浩 ISHIGURO Hiroshi

知能ロボット学者 Intelligent Robot Researcher and scholar

大阪大学基礎工学研究科教授 Professor, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University


Hiroshi Ishiguro (M’) received a Ph. D. in systems engineering from the Osaka University, Japan in 1991. He is currently Professor of Department of Systems Innovation in the Graduate School of Engineering Science at Osaka University (2009-) and Director (2011-) of Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratories at the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute (ATR).

He is also Distinguished Professor of Osaka University and an ATR fellow (one of six fellows). His research interests are interactive robotics and android science. He has published more than 300 papers in major journals and conferences. On the other hand, he has developed many interactive humanoids and androids, called Robovie, Repliee, Geminoid, Telenoid, and Elfoid. These robots have been reported by media such as Discovery Channel, NHK, and BBC more than500 times. Especially, the YouTube Videos of the androids have been downloaded 10M times. In 2009, he and his android, Geminoid, have been invited to ARS Electronica Festival as the featured artist. In 2011, he won the Osaka Cultural Award presented by the Osaka Prefectural Government and the Osaka City Government for his great contribution to the advancement of culture in Osaka. In 2015, he received the Prize for Science and Technology (Research Category) by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). He was also awarded the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Award in Dubai in 2015 and Tateisi Award in 2020.

大隅 典子 OSUMI Noriko



Professor, Department of Developmental Neuroscience, Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University

Vice President, Tohoku University

東京医科歯科大学歯学部卒、歯学博士。同大学歯学部助手、国立精神・神経センター神経研究所室長を経て、1998年より東北大学大学院医学系研究科教授。2006年より同大学総長特別補佐、2008年にディスティングイッシュトプロフェッサーの称号授与。2018年より東北大学副学長(広報・共同参画担当)、附属図書館長を拝命。「ナイスステップな研究者2006」に選定。第20〜22期日本学術会議第二部会員、第23〜25期同連携会員。専門分野は発生生物学、分子神経科学、神経発生学。著書に『脳の発生・発達:神経発生学入門』(朝倉書店)、『脳から見た自閉症 「障害」と「個性」のあいだ』、『理系女性の人生設計ガイド 自分を生かす仕事と生き方』(ともにブルーバックス)、『脳の誕生—発生・発達・進化の謎を解く』(ちくま新書)、共著として『〈自閉症学〉のすすめ オーティズム・スタディーズの時代』(ミネルヴァ書房)、『個性学入門 ―個性創発の科学―』(朝倉書店)、訳書に『エッセンシャル発生生物学』(羊土社)、『心を生み出す遺伝子』(岩波現代文庫)など。

Prof. Osumi has graduated Tokyo Medical and Dental University, been given PhD thesis from the same university, and becomes a professor of Tohoku University School of Medicine since 1998. She was one of the 25 Distinguished Professors in Tohoku University from 2008 to 2011, and has become Vice President of Tohoku University and Director of University Libraries from 2018. Osumi served as a member of Science Council Japan for three terms, and is now EMBO Associate Member from 2019. Her research background is developmental biology, and she has interest in brain development, evolution, and disease. Ongoing projects in her lab includes molecular mechanisms of brain development and evolution, lipid biology of astrocytes (the most major brain cells), and animals as models of neurodevelopmental disorders. She has been appointed in various governmental committees such as ethical issues, grant system development, gender equality and career paths for young scientists. 


音楽家 Musician

1985年、長野県生まれ。ギタリスト、マルチプレイヤー、作曲家として活動する傍ら、編曲家として「STUDIO-KOHKI」、音楽プロデューサーとして「Yassassin Label」を主宰。幼少期から音楽制作を始め、作曲・演奏・録音を一人でこなすソロ・アーティストとして2000年、15歳でCDアルバムを発表、デビュー。以降、SONY Musicよりリリースを重ね、資生堂、キヤノン、EDWIN、TOYOTAなどのCM音楽制作も手掛ける。2004年、生家の土蔵を改築し「STUDIO-KOHKI」を発起、音楽プロデュースの仕事をスタート。2011年、ベルリンへ渡り、作曲とライヴ活動に没頭。翌年、「JAPAN EXPO 2012」(パリ開催)には三味線奏者として出演。帰国後、自身のユニット「バロッQ ぱんくす」の演奏活動の他、NHK連続テレビ小説『ごちそうさん』主題歌「雨のち晴レルヤ」の共作者・佐藤和哉(篠笛)をはじめ、多くの若手アーティスト達との作品制作を続ける。2014年、「SEEDS Conference」に参加し、以降毎秋、同カンファレンスの会場・舞台音楽を手掛ける。先祖伝来の住居、古民家の改修を自らの手で続け「Lute HOUSE 1929」を完成。同地にて公演を開催等、活動を広げている。

Born in Nagano, Japan in 1985. While working as a guitarist, multi-player, and composer, he also runs "STUDIO-KOHKI" as an arranger and "Yassassin Label" as a music producer. He began making music at a young age and made his debut in 2000 at the age of 15 as a solo artist who could compose, perform, and record music by himself. Since then, he has released many albums from SONY Music, and has also produced music for commercials for Shiseido, Canon, EDWIN, TOYOTA, and others. In 2004, he renovated the storehouse of his birthplace to start "STUDIO-KOHKI" and started his music production business. In 2011, he moved to Berlin and immersed himself in composing music and performing lives. The following year, he performed as a shamisen player at the Japan Expo 2012 in Paris. After returning to Japan, he has been performing with his own unit "Baroque Punkus" as well as working with many young artists, including Kazuya Sato (shinobue), co-writer of the theme song "Ame nochi Hareruuya" from the NHK TV series "Gochiso-san". In 2014, he participated in the SEEDS Conference, and since then, he has been involved in the venue and stage music for the conference every fall. In 2014, he participated in the SEEDS Conference, and since then he has been involved in the venue and stage music for the conference every fall. He has been expanding his activities by holding performances at the same place.

近藤 薫 KONDO Kaoru


Concertmaster, Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra

東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 特任教授

Project Professor, Advanced Art Design Laboratory, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo


After graduating from Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music with the Acanthus Prize, he completed the master's program at the same university. During his studies, he was sent by the University of the Arts to attend the summer course at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna, where he studied with Alban Berg, Amadeus, and members of the Hagen String Quartet, as well as in the field of chamber music. In addition to performing, he has worked on the establishment of the Department of Advanced Art and Design at the University of Tokyo, and is currently a specially appointed professor, aiming to build a new social concept based on artistic sensibility. Currently, he is the concertmaster of the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, the concertmaster of the Future Orchestra Classics, the principal guest concertmaster of the Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra, the leader of the Riverrun String Quartet, the resident quartet of the Nagano City Art Museum, a member of Japan Student Music Competition, the Hong Kong International Music Competition, and the Kariya International Music Competition, a part-time lecturer at the Tokyo College of Music and Senzoku Gakuen College of Music, and a specially appointed professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, the University of Tokyo. Mr. Tomio Kondo, the founding concertmaster of the Tokyo Philharmonic Orchestra, was his grandfather, and he grew up in a family of musicians with three generations of violinists. Born in Aichi Prefecture.

添田 隆昭 SOEDA Ryusho

高野山大学学長 President, Koyasan University

高野山蓮華定院 住職 Chief priest, Rengejoin, Koyasan

1947年、高野山にて出生。和歌山大学学芸学部附属中学を経て、大阪府立北野高校卒業。京都大学文学部に入学し、最も不可解な授業をしていた宗教学を選択し、卒論にはヘーゲル「精神現象学」を取り上げる。後、高野山大学大学院に進学し密教学を専攻し、弘法大師将来の「金剛頂経」を研究する。博士課程修了後、真言宗宗務所に出仕し企画室課長を務める。後8年間、高野山高校校長に任ぜられ、平成25年より高野山真言宗宗務総長。任期中に高野山開創1200年記念大法会の執行に携わり、千住博画伯の襖絵の奉納を受けた。本年7月総長職の任期を満了し、現職に就任。真言密教の聖地・高野山で弘法大師の教えを説くとともに、1200年に渡り信仰されてきた人々の祈りや思いを次世代へ受け伝えている。主な著書に『大師はいまだおわしますか』(2010年 高野山出版社)

Born in 1947 in Koyasan. After attending junior high school affiliated to the Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Wakayama University, he graduated from Osaka Prefectural Kitano High School. He enrolled in the Department of Literature at Kyoto University, where he chose religious studies, the most incomprehensive course, and wrote his thesis on “Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit”. Later, he entered the graduate school of Koyasan University, majoring in “Esoteric Buddhism”, and studied the " Vajraśekhara Sūtra" of the future Kobo-Daishi. After completing the doctoral course, he went to work at the Office for Shingon Buddism and served as the head of the planning office. For the next eight years, he was appointed as the principal of Koyasan High School, and in 2013 he became the chief minister of the Koyasan Shingon Buddhism. During his term of office, he was involved in the execution of the Grand Puja commemorating the 1200th anniversary of the founding of Koyasan and received the dedication of the door painting by Mr. Senju Hiroshi. In July of this year, he completed his mission as President, and took his current position.

In addition to preaching the teachings of Kobo-Daishi in Koyasan, the holy land of Shingon esoteric Buddhism, he is passing on the prayers and thoughts of the people who have believed in him for 1,200 years to the next generation.

He is the author of "Taisi ha mada owasimasuka?”.

竹村 公太郎 TAKEMURA Kotaro

特定非営利活動法人 日本水フォーラム代表理事・事務局長

Chair, Japan Water Forum

1945年、神奈川県生まれ。東北大学工学部土木工学科修了後、建設省入省。以来、主にダム・河川事業を担当し、宮ヶ瀬ダム工事事務所、中部地方建設局河川部長、近畿地方建設局長を経て国土交通省河川局長。退官後リバーフロント研究所代表理事を歴任し、2014年より現職。作家としても、建設関係業界紙を中心に数々のエッセイを連載している。2015年、瑞宝中綬章受賞。2016年、土木学会国際貢献賞受賞。2018年、土木学会功績賞受賞。著書に「日本文明の謎を解く」(清流出版 2003 年)、「土地の文明」(PHP研究所 2005 年)、「幸運な文明」(PHP 研究所 2007 年)、「小水力エネルギー読本」(オーム社:共著 2006 年)、「本質を見抜く力」(PHP 新書 2008 年)、「水力発電が日本を救う」(東洋経済新報社 2016年)、「地形と水脈で読み解く!新しい日本史」(宝島社 2019 年)等多数。2021年4月、「広重の浮世絵と地形で読み解く 江戸の秘密」(集英社)を刊行。

Born in Kanagawa Prefecture in 1945. After graduating from Tohoku University, Department of Civil Engineering, he joined the Ministry of Construction. Since then, he has been mainly in charge of dam and river projects, and after serving as Director General of the Miyagase Dam Construction Office, Director General of the River Department of the Chubu Regional Construction Bureau, and Director General of the Kinki Regional Construction Bureau, he became Director General of the River Bureau of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism. After retiring from the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, he served as President of the Riverfront Research Institute, and continued to his current position in 2014. He was awarded the Order of the Sacred Treasure, Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon in 2015, the Japan Society of Civil Engineers International Contribution Award in 2016, and the Japan Society of Civil Engineers Achievement Award in 2018. He is the author of Unraveling the Mysteries of Japanese Civilization (Seiryu Shuppan, 2003), Civilization of the Land (PHP Institute, 2005), Lucky Civilization (PHP Institute, 2007), The Small Hydro Energy Reader (Ohmsha: co-author, 2006), The Power to See Through Essence (PHP Shinsho, 2008), and Hydroelectric Power Will Save Japan (Toyo Keizai Inc., 2016). A New History of Japan" (Takarajima-sha, 2016), "Reading and Understanding by Topography and Water Veins! A New History of Japan" (Takarajima-sha, 2019), and many others. In April 2021, "The Secrets of Edo, Deciphered through Hiroshige's Ukiyoe and Topography" (Shueisha) will be published.

谷内江 望 YACHIE Nozomu

東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 合成生物学分野 客員准教授

Visiting Associate Professor, Synthetic Biology, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo

1981年、石川県生まれ。The University of British Columbia (UBC) School of Biomedical Engineering (SBME) 准教授。Canada Research Chair in Synthetic Biologyを務める。細胞工学、ゲノム編集、計算機科学を融合して、動物発生などの複雑な生命システムの進展において分子や細胞がどのようにふるまうか計測することのできるDNAイベントレコーディング技術の開発をおこなっている。新しい実験・テクノロジーを創出により、これまで観察不可能であった生命科学現象のベールを解くことをミッションとしている。2009年に慶應大学でシステム生物学を中心とした研究で学位取得後、ハーバード大学のFritz Roth研究室で博士研究員として合成生物学研究に従事。その後、Roth博士とカナダのトロント大学に移る。2012年カナダ政府のBanting Fellowに選出。2014年7月から東京大学先端科学技術研究センター准教授。2014年6月から慶應義塾大学先端生命科学研究所特任准教授を併任。2020年9月より現職、バンクーバ在住。2012年から2014年までNSERC Banting Fellow。2020年、文部科学大臣若手研究者賞受賞。

Nozomu Yachie is an Associate Professor and Canada Research Chair in Synthetic Biology at the School of Biomedical Engineering (SBME) at the University of British Columbia (UBC). Combining technologies in cell engineering, genome editing, and computational biology, the Yachie laboratory is developing new technologies to measure the dynamics of molecules and cells in complex biological systems, including mammalian development and cell differentiation. Previously, Yachie was an Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo’s Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (2014-2020) and also served as the Director of the Laboratories for Systems Biology and Medicine (LSBM). Yachie received his PhD degree in Systems Biology from Keio University in 2009. He then completed postdoctoral training at Dr. Fritz Roth’s lab at Harvard Medical School before receiving a Banting Fellowship and continuing his training with Dr. Roth at the University of Toronto. Yachie is also a recipient of the Young Scientists Award by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (2020).

波多野 睦子 HATANO Mutsuko

東京工業大学 電気電子系 教授

Professor, School of Engineering, Dept. of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology

慶應義塾大学電気工学科卒業後、㈱日立製作所中央研究所入社。1989年、工学博士。超伝導量子デバイスの基礎研究に従事した後、モバイルディスプレイやパワーデバイスなどの事業化を推進。主幹研究員、兼環境エレクトロニクスプロジェクトリーダーを務める。1997~2000年、米国カリフォルニア州立大学バークリ校(UCB)客員研究員。2010 年より東京工業大学教授。教育も研究も異なる方法やチームでグローバルリーダーの育成を試み、研究のゴールは、異分野協創による新たな価値を創生し、社会的な課題を解決することだと考えている。量子センサによる超高齢化社会、低炭素社会の実現を目指し、分野横断、レイヤー連携を加速している。2018年よりQ-LEAP(文部科学省委託事業「光・量子飛躍フラッグシッププログラム」)量子計測・センシングFlagshipプロジェクト「固体量子センサの高度制御による革新的センサシステムの創出」の研究代表。2019年より、量子科学技術研究開発機構(QST)量子ビーム科学部門研究統括兼務。約2万人の会員からなる応用物理学会会長。日本学術会議連携会員。

After graduating from the Department of Electrical Engineering at Keio University, he joined the Central Research Laboratory of Hitachi, Ltd. D. in Engineering in 1989. D. in Engineering in 1989. After engaging in basic research on superconducting quantum devices, he promoted the commercialization of mobile displays and power devices, and was a senior researcher and the leader of the Environmental Electronics Project. From 1997 to 2000, he was a visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley (UCB), and has been a professor at Tokyo Institute of Technology since 2010. He tries to develop global leaders through different methods and teams in both education and research and believes that the goal of research is to create new values and solve social issues through interdisciplinary collaboration. We are accelerating cross-disciplinary and layered collaborations to realize a super-aging society and a low-carbon society through quantum sensors. Since 2018, he has been the principal investigator of the Quantum Measurement and Sensing Flagship Project "Creation of Innovative Sensor Systems by Advanced Control of Solid-State Quantum Sensors" under the Q-LEAP (Quantum Leapfrogging in Photonics and Photonics Flagship Program) commissioned by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology of Japan. From 2019, he also served as Research Director of Quantum Beam Science Division at Quantum Science and Technology Agency (QST). He is the President of the Japan Society of Applied Physics, which has about 20,000 members. He is also a member of the Science Council of Japan.

山田 文彦 YAMADA Fumihiko

雅楽師 宮内庁式部職楽部楽師

Gagaku player, The Board of Ceremonies, Imperial Household Agency

1978年、東京生まれ。1994年、宮内庁式部職楽部に入部。篳篥、左舞、楽琵琶、國風歌舞を修め、2000年、楽師を拝命。2001年、雅楽団体 東京楽所に入団。2010年より東京楽所首席篳篥奏者、東京藝術大学非常勤講師、宮内庁式部職楽部篳篥教授を歴任し、2016年、藝大卒の優秀な奏者達と共に雅樂千年乃会を結成、主宰に就任。雅楽奏者として演奏活動の傍ら、演出家として、2017年、安倍晋三内閣総理大臣主催のイヴァンカ・トランプ米大統領補佐官饗応夕食会で雅楽を用いた総合演出を担当。2018年にはFUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '18において、若手雅楽奏者達を「千年前のロック」としてプロデュースする等、既成概念に囚われず和文化を発信している。2019年、即位礼正殿の儀、祝賀御列の儀、大嘗祭に出演。大嘗宮悠紀殿供饌の儀で篳篥演奏を担当。2021年宮中祭祀の進行を司る御神楽人長に就任。重要無形文化財総合認定保持者。

Born in Tokyo in 1978, he joined the Imperial Board of Ceremonies in 1994. He joined the Imperial Board of Ceremonies in 1994, where he trained in Mr. Hichiriki, Zammai, Raku Biwa, and Kunikaze Utamai. In 2001, he joined the Gagaku group Tokyo Gakuso, where he has been the principal Hichiriki player since 2010, a part-time lecturer at Tokyo University of the Arts, and a professor of Hichiriki at the Imperial Board of Ceremonies. In addition to performing as a gagaku player, he also worked as a director for the dinner hosted by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe for U.S. President Ivanka Trump in 2017. In 2018, he produced a group of young Gagaku players as "Rock of a Thousand Years Ago" at FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL '18, etc. He has been transmitting Japanese culture without being bound by conventional concepts. In 2019, he will perform at the Enthronement Ceremony, Celebration Ceremony, and Daime-sai. In 2019, he will perform at the Enthronement Ceremony, the Congratulatory Procession Ceremony, and the Daime-Sai. He is a certified holder of Important intangible cultural property.

吉本 英樹 YOSHIMOTO Hideki


先端アートデザイン分野 特任准教授

Project Associate Professor, Advanced Art Design Laboratory, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology, The University of Tokyo

1985年、和歌山県生まれ。東京大学航空宇宙工学専攻修士課程修了後、2010年渡英。Royal College of Art、Innovation Design Engineering学科にて博士号取得。2015年、ロンドンにて自身のスタジオ「TANGENT」を創業。2020年、東京大学先端科学技術研究センター特任准教授に就任し、先端アートデザインラボを開設、最先端科学技術とアートデザインの交錯点における研究を中心とし精力的に活動。TANGENTでは、テクノロジーとデザインを高度に融合する作品を発表し、世界有数のラグジュアリー・ブランドを顧客とし様々なデザインプロジェクトを手がける。科学技術を巧みに取り込み、日本の伝統工芸などの表現を拡張する、斬新かつ繊細なニュアンス豊かな一連の作品は国内外の多くのアートファンを魅了している。テクノロジーとデザインとの完璧なバランスを探り、心の琴線に触れる芸術表現へと挑戦を続けている。日本人工知能学会全国大会優秀賞、情報処理推進機構スーパークリエータ認定、Red Dot Design Concept、Lexus Design Award、Milano Design Awardなど、工学とデザインの両方の領域で受賞多数。

Born in Wakayama in 1985. Yoshimoto graduated from the University of Tokyo with Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Aeronautics and Astronautics in 2010, before he received PhD in Innovation Design Engineering from the Royal College of Art in 2016. Yoshimoto founded TANGENT in 2015 in London. In 2020 he was appointed as Project Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo’s Research Centre for Advanced Science and Technology, where he launched the Advanced Art Design Laboratory. TANGENT creates pieces to interweave technology and design at the most sophisticated level and collaborates with the World’s most famous luxurious brands for various projects. As a researcher Yoshimoto also works on the crossing point between art, design and the most advanced technology. He has received many awards in both of engineering and design, such as Best Conference Award from the Japanese Society of Artificial Intelligence, Super Creator Certification from the Japanese Information-technology Promotion Agency, Red Dot Design Concept, Lexus Design Award and Milano Design Award.

SEEDS Conference シーズカンファレンス

SEEDS Conferenceは、"Rhapsody in Innovation" というコンセプトの下、新しい世界を創り出す革新的なアイデアや活動を、世界中に広めることを目指し、2013年4月に発足した団体です。 TEDxSeeds時代より、さらに自由に、そして伸びやかに、無数のコミュニケーションから新たな世界を描きだせるような、創造的な場をつくりたいと考えています。


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