SEEDS Conference 2022 Speaker & Performer のご紹介

SEEDS Conference 2022 、今年も素晴らしいご登壇者の皆様をお招きいたします。



We are inviting amazing speakers and performers this year!

We are very happy to announce speakers and performers for 2022 SEEDS day.

-SEEDS Conference2022Speaker&Performer-

Speakers and performers for 2022

ー 50音順 -

石黒 浩 ISHIGURO Hiroshi

ロボット学者 / 大阪大学教授 Intelligent Robot Researcher and scholar

Professor, Graduate School of Engineering Science, Osaka University

1963年生まれ。大阪大学基礎工学研究科博士課程修了。工学博士。京都大学情報学研究科助教授、大阪大学工学研究科教授を経て、2009年より大阪大学基礎工学研究科教授(大阪大学栄誉教授)。ATR石黒浩特別研究所客員所長(ATRフェロー)。2020年より、JST MOONSHOT目標1プロジェクトマネージャー、大阪・関西万博テーマ事業プロデューサー。2021年より、AVITA株式会社代表取締役。社会で活動するロボットの実現を目指し、知的システムの基礎研究と応用研究に取り組む。これまでに人と関わるヒューマノイドやアンドロイド、自身のコピーロボットであるジェミノイドなど多数のロボットを開発。2011年に大阪文化賞受賞。2015年に文部科学大臣表彰受賞およびシェイク・ムハンマド・ビン・ラーシド・アール・マクトゥーム知識賞受賞。2020年、立石賞受賞。主な著書は「ロボットと人間」(岩波新書)、「ロボットとは何か」(講談社現代新書)、「どうすれば「人」を創れるか」(新潮社)、「アンドロイドは人間になれるか」(文春新書)等。

Hiroshi Ishiguro received a D. Eng. in systems engineering from the Osaka University, Japan in 1991. He is currently Professor of Department of Systems Innovation in the Graduate School of Engineering Science at Osaka University (2009-) and Distinguished Professor of Osaka University (2017-). He is also visiting Director (2014-) (group leader: 2002-2013) of Hiroshi Ishiguro Laboratories at the Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute and an ATR fellow. His research interests include sensor networks, interactive robotics, and android science. He received the Osaka Cultural Award in 2011. In 2015, he received the Prize for Science and Technology (Research Category) by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT). He was also awarded the Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Knowledge Award in Dubai in 2015. In 2020, he received Tateisi Prize. His major publications include "Robot To Ningen" (Iwanami Shinsho), "Robot Toha Nanika" (Kodansha Gendai Shinsho), "Dousureba Hito Wo Tsukureruka'" (Shinchosha), and "Andoroid Ha Ningen Ni Nareruka" (Bunshun Shinsho) and more.

稲見 昌彦 INAMI Masahiko

東京大学先端科学技術研究センター 身体情報学分野教授  博士(工学)JST ERATO稲見自在化身体プロジェクト研究総括。

Special Advisor to the President, Professor Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (RCAST), The University of Tokyo

東京大学 総長特任補佐・先端科学技術研究センター 身体情報学分野教授。博士(工学)。JST ERATO 稲見自在化身体プロジェクト 研究総括。自在化技術、人間拡張工学、エンタテインメント工学に興味を持つ。米TIME誌Coolest Invention of the Year、文部科学大臣表彰若手科学者賞などを受賞。超人スポーツ協会代表理事、情報処理学会理事、日本バーチャルリアリティ学会理事、日本学術会議連携会員等を兼務。著書に『スーパーヒューマン誕生!人間はSFを超える』(NHK出版新書)、『自在化身体論』(NTS)他。

Dr. Masahiko Inami took up his current position as professor at the University of Tokyo after working at the University of Electro-Communications and Keio University. His interests include “JIZAI body editing technology,” the Augmented Human, and entertainment engineering. He has received several awards, including TIME Magazine’s “Coolest Invention of the Year” award and the Young Scientist Award from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology (MEXT). He is also the co-representative of the Superhuman Sports Society, a director of the Information Processing Society of Japan, a director of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, and a member of the Science Council of Japan. His latest book is called “Theory of JIZAI Body" (NTS Inc).

春日 秀之 KASUGA Hideyuki


1973 年、長野県長野市生まれ。東京工業大学大学院修士課程修了。工学博士。東京とパリでの研究者時代を経て、1896 年創業の麻問屋をルーツにもつ工業パーツメーカーの家業の代表に就任。家業で取り扱う不変の最先端素材「PTFE(フッ素樹脂)」の“感性価値”に幅広いライフスタイル市場への適用の可能性を見出し、ラグジュアリーコンシューマーブランド「BLANC BIJOU PARIS」をパリに創業。“日本のモノづくりの復興への挑戦”を決意し2012 年独立し、素材をベースとしたマテリアルシンクタンク「株式会社 hide kasuga 1896」を創業。“価値の創造と再生”の概念からなる環境調和型素材ブランド「hide k 1896」、そして「BLANC BIJOU PARIS」をグローバル市場にて展開中。研究・開発と市場を連動させた自社独自のブランディング手法を、化学・素材企業へコンサルテーションを提供している。2020年、新旧融合型の生活様式[令和モダニズム]の創出を目指し、産学官連携によるサーキュラー・エコノミー・コンソーシアム「Green Composite Hills by hide k 1896(GCH)」を設立。GCHに参画している長野市にて2022年より国内最大級の“環境調和型素材のアップサイクル実証実験”が進行中。同年、長野市産業戦略アドバイザーに就任。

Doctor of engineering. Born in Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture in 1973. Completed master's program at Tokyo Institute of Technology. After being employed as a researcher in Tokyo and Paris, he became the CEO of his family's business, an industrial parts manufacturer with roots as a hemp wholesaler that was founded in 1896.He discovered the possibility of applying the emotional appeal of polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) fluororesin — the unchanging cutting-edge material being handled in his family's business — to a wide range of lifestyle markets, and founded the luxury consumer brand BLANC BIJOU PARIS in Paris, France. Then, in 2012, independent of his family's business, he decided to take on the challenge of reviving Japanese manufacturing and established hide kasuga 1896, a material think tank. The company's eco-friendly material brand hide k 1896 and BLANC BIJOU PARIS, which are based on a concept of creating and regenerating value, are now expanding into global markets. Utilizing its own branding method that links research and development to markets, the company provides consulting services to chemical and material companies. From 2019 he has served as the chairperson of Green Composite Hills by hide k 1896, a circular economy consortium established through an industry-academia-government collaboration that has been promoting the creation of a sound material-cycle society. In 2022 he was appointed industrial strategy advisor for Nagano City.

田ノ岡 三郎 TANOOKA Saburo

アコーディオン奏者 作曲家 Accordion Player, Composer

幅広いジャンルのステージ&レコーディングで日々熱演を続けるアコーディオン奏者。東京音大卒業後パリにてダニエル・コラン氏に師事、8作のソロアルバムを発表。TVドラマ、映画、アニメ、CMやゲームの音楽への演奏参加も多数。NHK朝ドラ「エール」「なつぞら」Eテレ「ムジカ・ピッコリーノ」等に、稀にキャストとしての出演。テレビ東京系「シェフは名探偵」音楽担当(末廣健一郎氏と共作)。篠笛奏者・佐藤和哉氏の最新アルバム「○ en」には、作曲で参加(「KITE」編曲:KOHKI氏)。自身のオリジナル曲を中心に8作のソロアルバムを発表。名曲の数々を自らの演奏スタイルで奏でた独奏カバーアルバム「SOLO ACCORDION STANDARDS」が好評を博す。2022年、大竹しのぶ主演舞台「ピアフ」に参加。豪華客船メインショー、「あつまれどうぶつの森」公式動画への参加、テレビ朝日「題名のない音楽会」出演など多方面で活躍。千葉県市川市出身、ルーツは和歌山県田辺市。フランス、ポルトガル、台湾、アルゼンチン等でステージ歴を持つ。FM狛江(コマラジ)パーソナリティー。

Born in Ichikawa City, Chiba, Japan. His roots is in Tanabe City, Wakayama Prefecture. Graduated from Tokyo College of Music. He started to wrote music for TV commercials and programs since his college time. And, he is a self-taught, accordion player. After he graduated TCM, he flew to France to learn accordion music and play, under Mr. Daniel Colin, who is well known as a legend of Accordion music. He has released 8 solo albums and is continuing wholehearted performance. He has been very active in the various music scenes such as TV music programs, TV dramas, movies, Animations, games, stage dramas etc... He has also performed abroad, such as in France, Portage, Taiwan, and Argentine. Since December 2019, he runs his radio show, as a personality : “Tanoka Saburo No Tabisuru Accordion” , that monthly run on FM Komaraji. The 8 Solo Albums: “Haruno Kizashi”, “Kazeno Omomukumama”, “Tabiwo Hajimeyo Kishani Noro”, “Natsueno Tobira”, “snowdrop”, “SOLO ACCORDION STANDARDS”, “Island Tour”, “Tabisuru Accordion” In 2022, he participated in the stage production of "Piaf" starring Shinobu Otake. She is active in many fields, including the main show on a luxury cruise ship, participation in the official video for "Atsumare Animal Forest," and appearance on TV Asahi's "Ongaku no Nai Ongakkai" (Ongakukai without a title). He has performed in France, Portugal, Taiwan, Argentina, etc. She is a personality on FM Komae (Komaraji).


アニメ・プロデューサー  起業家 Animation producer, Company Executives

東京都出身。早稲田大学法学部卒業。大学卒業後、バンダイビジュアル(現:バンダイナムコ フィルムワークス)、プロダクション・アイジー、ウルトラスーパーピクチャーズ社、海外営業部に入社。専攻学科分野であった版権管理部に翌年異動。その2年後制作部への異動を経て2017年退社し独立。アニメーション制作を主業とするアーチ株式会社を設立。企業の法務担当からプロデューサーという異色の経歴を持ち、国内での著作権管理はもとより、海外の制作契約にも知見を積む。企業との協力制作、異業種とのアニメ制作にも精通し、国内の自動車会社、カード会社、アプリゲーム会社に加え中国のゲーム会社、サウジアラビア政府系機関と作品を企画・プロデュース等の実績を持つ。代表作「ジャーニー 太古アラビア半島での奇跡と戦いの物語」、ヒット作「プロメア」を初めとして、「猫がくれたまぁるいしあわせ」「ID-0」「ブブキ・ブランキ」「モンストアニメ」「翠星のガルガンティア」「輪廻のラグランジェ」等がある。アーチ株式会社の経営と並行し、2020年(株)グラフィニカ代表取締役社長に就任。(株)YAMATOWORKS、(株)ゆめ太カンパニーの役員を務めている。  

Born in Tokyo. Graduated from Waseda University majoring in Faculty of Law. Started his carrier in Overseas Sales Division of Bandai Visual(present: Bandai Namco Film Works) , Production・Isi Ultra Super Pictures. Next year, he was transferred to Copyright Management Division using his knowledges earned during the university student. With experiences of his carrier at the Production Division transferred a following next year, he founded Arch Inc. Production I.G,. Having worked such positions from a head of legal affairs to a producer, he has knowledges of not only the management of domestic rights of intellectual properties but also contracts relating to the development of properties overseas. Also, he is versed in Animation production in various industries, such as domestic automobile companies, credit card companies, App game companies, and he has worked with game companies in China and Saudi Arabia government agency for producing animation from planning. Now he has expanded his abilities and skills, he is the executives of four companies listed in below. He has produced: The Journey, Promare, Neko ga Kureta Marui Shiawase, ID-0, BBK/BRNK, the Monster Strike anime, She and Her Cat -Everything Flows-, Ultra Super Anime Time, Gargantia on the Verdurous Planet, and Lagrange: The Flower of Rin-ne. 2017.10.25 Founder/CEO of Arch, Inc,. 2020.04.01 CEO of Graphinica, Inc.,. 2019.12.07 Managing Director of Yamatoworks, Inc.,. 2020.07.01 Managing Director of YUMETA CO.,LTD.

平田 雅之  HIRATA Masayuki

大阪大学大学院医学系研究科、脳機能診断再建学共同研究講座 特任教授 MEng, MD & PhD 

Professor, Department of Neurological Diagnosis and Restoration, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine, Professor Department of Neurosurgery, Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine

1962年、広島生まれ。1987年、東京大学大学院工学系研究科修了し工学修士取得、企業での勤務経験を経て、工学系から医学へと転じ、1994年、大阪大学医学部医学科を卒業。2001年、大阪大学大学院医学系研究科修了し、医学博士。2016年、大阪大学国際医工情報センター寄附研究部門教授を経て現職。脳機能の解明にとどまらず、「脳の機能を診断・再建する」ための先進的技術、医工学的な手法の取り組みを推進している。日本脳神経外科学会専門医であり、日本てんかん学会専門医・指導医、日本臨床神経生理学会専門医・指導医の資格を持ち、現在は大阪大学大学院にて共同研究講座にて特任教授を務める。The International Society for the Advancement of Clinical Magnetoencephalography, Presidentを任じられ、国内では日本生体医工学会理事、日本臨床神経生理学会代議員日本生体磁気学会理事、日本BMI研究会世話人、日本嚥下医学会評議員等務めている。2013年、2014年、二度にわたり大阪大学総長顕彰を受け、海外ではMimics Innovation Awards 2012(2012年)、 2020年、米国国立医学アカデミーより、Healthy Longevity Global Grand Challenge, Catalyst Awardを受賞。

Born in Hiroshima 1962. Having graduated from the Department of Technology of graduate school, Tokyo University, he started his career as an engineer in a company. Then he moved to Osaka University Medical School and obtasined medical license in 1994. He obtained PhD degree from Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine in 2001. He was a professor of the Division of Clinical Neural Engineering at the Global Center for Medical Engineering and Informatics, Osaka University until 2016, he is in the current position stated above. His abilities are not limited to elucidate brain function, but also cover “diagnosis and restoration of brain function” fully-utlizing advanced technologies and medical engineering. He is not only a board-certified neurosurgeon of The Japan Neurosurgical Society but also, he is a board-certified epileptologist and board-certified instructor of The Japan Epilepsy Society and a board-certified neurophysiologist of the Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology. He was assigned as the president of The International Society for the Advancement of Clinical Magnetoencephalography, the executive committee member of Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering, the delegate of Japanese Society of Clinical Neurophysiology, the executive committee member of Japan Biomagnetism and Bioelectromagnetics Society, the organizer of Japanese Brain Machine Interface Institution, and the delegate of the Society of Swallowing and Dysphagia of Japan. He received two Presidential Awards of Osaka University in 2013&2014, Mimics Innovation Awards 2012, Healthy Longevity Global Grand Challenge, Catalyst Award by National Academy of Medicine in 2020.

前田 新奈  MAEDA Niina

ダンサー 振付家 Ballet Dancer, Choreographer

俳優の両親の元に生まれ、幼少より舞台に触れて育つ。8歳よりクラシックバレエをはじめ、故・堀本卓矢、堀本成子に師事。1994年、谷桃子バレエ団に入団。1996年、第12回全日本バレエコンクール第3位、IBM受賞。「白鳥の湖」、「パキータ」などに主演。1997年、新国立劇場バレエ団と契約、1999年ソリストに昇格し、2010年までソリストとして「眠れる森の美女」リラの精など主要な役を踊る。バレエダンサーとして10年を経た頃、パフォーマンス・カンパニー「未國」に出会い、以来、アジア人としての身体と向か合うようになる。2010年、大野一雄舞踏研究所にて《末國》「GENBAKU Onomatopoeia」を踊り、大野義人氏より “色即是空” と評される。2010年文化庁新進海外芸術家派遣制度により渡独、15ヶ月間、ベルリンにて研修。また、日本バレエフェスティバル、青山バレエフェスティバル、小林恭バレエ団公演等にも出演し、古典から現代作品まで多くの振付家の作品に携わり、レナード衛藤氏のライブツアー、熊川哲也氏主宰・Kバレエスクールパフォーマンスでも振付を担当。日本舞踊、文楽、現代人形劇などにも携わり、自作の人形を遣ったパフォーマンスも行う。

Grown up in a family that her parents are both actors engaged with arts, she was on the various music and arts stages from early childhood. She started her ballet currier at age of 8 in Horimoto Ballet School and joined Tani Momoko Ballet School in 1994. She got the All- Japan Ballet Contest third place, was awarded IBM prize, and played the title roles of “Swan Lake”, “Paquita” etc. in 1996. Entered into an agreement with the New National Theater Ballet in Tokyo in 1997, being graded up as a soloist in 1999 and performed major roles such as The Lilac Fairy in “Sleeping Beauty” till 2010. Having 10 years’ experience as a ballet dancer, she met a performance company “Mikuni”, which has made her face with her body figure as an oriental as opposed to Westerners. In 2010, she was commented “Vanity of Vanities” by Mr. Yoshito Oono for her performance of Mikuni presents “GENGBAKU Onomatopoeia” at Oono Kazuo Institution for dance. She was selected a member of Agency for Cultural Affairs rising overseas artist dispatch system and studied in Berlin for 15 months. Further, she has performed in Japan Ballet Festival, Aoyama Ballet Festival, Kyo Kobayashi Ballet Perfomance, and others. From classic to modern ballets, she also choreographed many performances including Mr. Lenard Eto live tour and K Ballet School Performance surintended by Mr. Tetsuya Kumakawa. Now she is involved in Japanese Dance, Bunraku, Modern Puppet Play, and she presents her performance with a self-making doll.  

谷内江 望 YACHIE Nozomu

ブリティッシュコロンビア大学 バイオメディカル・エンジニアリング学部准教授

Associate Professor, Director of Research School of Biomedical Engineering, The University of British Columbia

1981年、石川県生まれ。ブリティッシュコロンビア大学 (UBC, University of British Columbia) School of Biomedical Engineering (SBME) 准教授およびDirector of Research。Canada Research Chair in Synthetic Biology、及びAllen Distinguished Investigator。細胞工学、ゲノム編集、計算機科学を融合して、動物発生などの複雑な生命システムの進展において分子や細胞がどのようにふるまうか計測することのできるDNAイベントレコーディング技術の開発をおこなっている。新しい実験・テクノロジーを創出により、これまで観察不可能であった生命科学現象を発見しようとしている。2009年に慶應大学でシステム生物学を中心とした研究で学位取得後、ハーバード大学およびトロント大学にて合成生物学研究に従事。2012年カナダ政府のBanting Fellowに選出される。2014年7月から東京大学先端科学技術研究センター准教授、2020年9月より客員准教授。2020年9月より現職、バンクーバ在住。2012年から2014年までNSERC Banting Fellow。2020年、文部科学大臣若手研究者賞受賞。      

Nozomu Yachie is an Associate Professor and Director of Research at the School of Biomedical Engineering (SBME) at the University of British Columbia (UBC). He is also a Canada Research Chair in Synthetic Biology and Allen Distinguished Investigator. Combining technologies in cell engineering, genome editing, and computational biology, the Yachie laboratory is developing new technologies to measure the dynamics of molecules and cells in complex biological systems, including mammalian development and cell differentiation. Previously, Yachie was an Associate Professor at the University of Tokyo’s Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology (2014-2020) and also served as the Director of the Laboratories for Systems Biology and Medicine (LSBM). Yachie received his PhD degree in Systems Biology from Keio University in 2009. He then completed postdoctoral training with Dr. Fritz Roth’s lab at Harvard Medical School and University of Toronto where he received a Banting Fellowship. Yachie is also a recipient of the Young Scientists Award by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan (2020).


音楽家 Musician

1985年、長野出身。ギタリスト、マルチプレイヤー、作曲家として活動する傍ら、編曲家として「STUDIO-KOHKI」、音楽プロデューサーとして「Yassassin Label」を主宰。幼少期より音楽制作を始め2000年、15歳でアルバムをリリース。以降、Sony Musicからメジャー・デビューし活動する傍ら、大手企業のCM音楽を手掛ける。2004年、故郷・信州の土蔵を改築した「STUDIO-KOHKI」に拠点を移し、音楽プロデューサーとしての活動を開始。2011年、ベルリンへ渡り、自身のユニット「バロッQ ぱんくす」としてライヴ活動を展開。翌年、パリで開催された「JAPAN EXPO 2012」に三味線奏者として出演する。帰国後は、NHK連続テレビ小説・主題歌(2013)の作者としても知られる佐藤和哉(篠笛)のプロデュースを手掛け、日本コロムビアから「フエウタイ」をリリース、「題名のない音楽会」へ出演。その後も大河内淳矢(尺八)を始めとする邦楽器のアーティストとの挑戦的な作品を発表し、2021年、朗読舞踊劇「お七-最初で最後の恋-」で舞台音楽と演奏を務める。同年、自身のライフワークでもある「和と洋の邂逅」をコンセプトとした公演『ワブヨウネ』で作・編曲・音楽監督を務め、好評を博す。2015年秋、建長寺で開催されたSEEDS2015に初出演、翌年、会議テーマ楽曲を制作、「SEEDS CONFERENCE IN MUSIC」に収録。以来、毎年、SEEDSカンファレンスにて音楽監督を務めている。

Born in 1985. Kohki is known as a guitar and multiple instrumental player and composer. Besides being a player, he also owns Studio-Kohki as Orchestrator and Yassassin Label as producer. He has been learning and producing music since he was a child. He composed, played and recorded by himself and his debut was when he was 15 years old. His works are highly evaluated, and he worked on some commercial music for Shiseido, Canon, Edwin, Toyota etc… He became a freelancer in 2004 and moved his base to his hometown, Nagano. In 2011, he went to Germany, Berlin to learn music even more and proactively held concerts and concerts. After he came home to Japan, he produced his own unit BaroQPunks, and besides that, he produced Shinobue (Japanese transverse bamboo flute) player Kazuya Sato and other famous artists. In 2016, we gladly announced his creation of concept music for the SEEDS Conference. His passion for music continues.


SEEDS Attraction exhibition

さとうみち代 SATO Michiyo

衣裳家 Costume Creator


Majored in textile design at Musashino Art University. After graduation, worked as a textile designer at an interior materials manufacturer. While still a student, she was involved in the production of ballet and opera costumes at the Bunka Fashion College's workshop. Later, after working as an assistant to a costume designer under the Agency for Cultural Affairs' domestic training program, she is currently working as a freelance designer. In 2007, she held an exhibition and performance entitled "morphing: Clothes between the house and the body" at the Mitaka Tenmei Hanten Jyutaku (Reversible Destiny House), which led to the development of morphingPJ, which proposes various ideas about "clothes" and the "body. The Great East Japan Earthquake provided him with a great opportunity to rethink the performing arts and the Asian body, and he plans to publish his first book of works next spring.

SEEDS Conference シーズカンファレンス

SEEDS Conferenceは、"Rhapsody in Innovation" というコンセプトの下、新しい世界を創り出す革新的なアイデアや活動を、世界中に広めることを目指し、2013年4月に発足した団体です。 TEDxSeeds時代より、さらに自由に、そして伸びやかに、無数のコミュニケーションから新たな世界を描きだせるような、創造的な場をつくりたいと考えています。


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